


[Tips] Use online parsing seed + PikPak + Aria2c to achieve high-speed seed downloading.


Getting Started#

1. Download Aria2#

After downloading and extracting, double-click install.bat to install the aria2 service.

On, upload the torrent file (.torrent), and the webpage will automatically parse out the magnet link. Copy it to the clipboard for the next step.

In addition to magnet links, PikPak also supports importing instant transfer links similar to Baidu Cloud (starting with pikpak://). Currently, only these two methods are supported for importing, and other methods are not supported for now!

Note: ED2K/Thunder proprietary links are not supported, but there are websites that can convert these types of links into regular magnet links.

Log in to pikpak third-party web client and paste the magnet link. PikPak will automatically offline the torrent.

Next is setting up Aria2.

5. Set Up Aria2 and Start Downloading#

Click on the left side Settings, and you will see aria2 settings. In general, if it is a local aria2, fill in http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc and leave the aria2token blank. Then click Test and Save.

Finally, select the offline file/folder and click Push to Aria to start downloading.


  • PikPak's server may not achieve full-speed downloads, but the speed is already fast.
  • PikPak requires a paid membership to use. Click on the AFF link and I can get a rebate.
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