


[Scientific Internet Access] Use the Parsers feature of Clash for Windows to achieve subscription conversion for all airports.


  • Reproduced from Github with slight modifications.
  • This configuration is only applicable to Clash for Windows software that has replaced the Clash Meta core!


Using the parsers feature, any subscription link imported will be converted into its own rules

parsers: # array  
  # - reg: ^.*$ Match all subscriptions, or  - url: Specify subscription  
  - reg: ^.*$ 
    # Remove the provider's groups and rules  
    code: |
      module.exports.parse = (raw, { yaml }) => {  
        const rawObj = yaml.parse(raw)  
        const groups = []  
        const rules = []  
        return yaml.stringify({ ...rawObj, 'proxy-groups': groups, rules })  
    yaml: # Create your own configuration  
      prepend-proxy-groups: # Create groups
        - name: 🚀 Node Selection 
          type: select
        - name: ⏬ Traffic Consumer
          type: select
  # Group example  
       # - name: Group Name  
         # type: select       # Manual selection     
               # url-test     # Automatically select the node with the lowest latency  
               # fallback     # Automatically switch to the next node when the node fails  
               # load-balance # Balance the use of nodes within the group  
         # url: # Test address required for non-select type groups  
         # interval: 300 # Automatic test interval, in seconds, required for non-select type groups  
         # tolerance: 50 # Allowed deviation, nodes with a latency difference less than this value will not switch, not necessary  
         # proxies:    
           # - Node name or other group nesting  
      commands: # Add the node names in the subscription to the specified group, can use regex filtering  
        # Some examples of regex filtering nodes that may be used to make the groups more detailed  
        # []proxyNames|a                         # Contains a  
        # []proxyNames|^(.*)(a|b)+(.*)$          # Contains a or b  
        # []proxyNames|^((?=.*a)(?=.*b).*$        # Contains a and b  
        # []proxyNames|^((?!b).)*a((?!b).)*$     # Contains a and does not contain b  
        # []proxyNames|^((?!b|c).)*a((?!b|c).)*$ # Contains a and does not contain b or c  
        - proxy-groups.🚀 Node Selection.proxies=[]proxyNames
        - proxy-groups.⏬ Traffic Consumer.proxies=[]proxyNames
      # Add rules  
      prepend-rules: # Rules are traversed from top to bottom, if the above rules have already been hit, they will not be processed further 
        # Block Sogou & 360 & Bilibili short links
        - GEOSITE,sogou,REJECT
        - GEOSITE,qihoo360,REJECT
        # Traffic Consumer & Speedtest
        - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,⏬ Traffic Consumer
        - GEOSITE,speedtest,⏬ Traffic Consumer
        # Geosite
        - GEOSITE,category-scholar-!cn,🚀 Node Selection
        - GEOSITE,category-ads-all,REJECT
        - GEOSITE,youtube,🚀 Node Selection
        - GEOSITE,google,🚀 Node Selection
        - GEOSITE,bilibili@!cn,🚀 Node Selection
        - GEOSITE,cn,DIRECT
        - GEOSITE,private,DIRECT
        - GEOSITE,steam@cn,DIRECT
        - GEOSITE,category-games@cn,DIRECT
        - GEOSITE,epicgames,DIRECT
        - GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,🚀 Node Selection
        - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,🚀 Node Selection
        - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,🚀 Node Selection
        - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,🚀 Node Selection
        - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,🚀 Node Selection
        - GEOIP,private,DIRECT,no-resolve
        - GEOIP,telegram,🚀 Node Selection
        - MATCH,🚀 Node Selection

Attached mixin rules#

mixin: # object
  mode: rule                            # Rule mode: rule (rules) / global (global proxy) / direct (global direct connection) / script (script)
  ipv6: true                            # Enable IPv6 switch, disable blocking all IPv6 links and blocking DNS requests for AAAA records
  log-level: info                       # Set log output level (5 levels: silent / error / warning / info / debug)
  mixed-port: 20810                     # Mixed port, HTTP and SOCKS5 use the same port
  unified-delay: true                   # Unified delay, change the delay calculation method, remove handshake and other additional delays
  tcp-concurrent: true                  # [Meta exclusive] Concurrent TCP connections for all IPs, will use the fastest handshake TCP
  keep-alive-interval: 15               # TCP keep alive interval

  geodata-mode: true                    # [Meta exclusive] Use geoip.dat database (default: false, use mmdb database)
  geox-url:                             # Custom geodata url, requires proxy to download geoip and geosite
    geoip: ""
    geosite: ""
    mmdb: ""

  find-process-mode: strict             # Match all processes (always/strict/off)
  global-client-fingerprint: chrome     # Global TLS fingerprint, lower priority than client-fingerprint in proxy
                                        # Options: "chrome","firefox","safari","ios","random","none".

    store-selected: true                # Store select selection records
    store-fake-ip: true                 # Persist fake-ip

  sniffer:                              # Sniff domain optional configuration
    enable: true
    parse-pure-ip: true                 # Whether to use the sniffing result as the actual access, default true
      TLS:                              # Default sniffing 443 for TLS
        ports: [443, 8443]
        ports: [80, 8080-8880]
        override-destination: true
    force-domain: []                    # Force sniffing for this domain

    enable: true                        # Close to use system DNS
    prefer-h3: true                     # Whether to enable DOH's http/3
    ipv6: true                          # IPV6 resolution switch; if false, the ipv6 result will be empty
    enhanced-mode: fake-ip              # Mode: redir-host or fake-ip
    listen:                # DNS listening address
    use-hosts: true                     # Whether to query system hosts
    fake-ip-range:        # IP range setting under fakeip, the default IP of the tun card also uses this value
    fake-ip-filter: ['+.lan', '', '', '', '*', '*']
                                        # Fake-ip filter, domains in the list will return the real IP
    default-nameserver: [,]
                                        # DNS server used to resolve non-IP dns, only supports pure IP, (Meta can encrypt it)
    nameserver: [tcp://, tcp://]
                                        # Default DNS server, supports udp/tcp/dot/doh/doq
    proxy-server-nameserver: [,]
                                        # Proxy DNS server, supports udp/tcp/dot/doh/doq
      "geosite:cn,private,geolocation-!cn@cn,bytedance,steam@cn,epicgames,microsoft@cn,apple@cn": [,]
      "geosite:steam": [tcp://]
                                        # Specify the resolution server for domain queries, can use geosite, prioritized over nameserver/fallback queries
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