


【Technique】Using ffmpeg/Streamlink+Dplayer for streaming relay.

Setting up the Environment#

This article uses the AMD free server (Debian 11) provided by Oracle Japan in Tokyo for the setup.
This article uses the Baota panel as the frontend setup solution.

Formal Setup#

Installing the Environment#

Installing Baota#

curl -sSO && bash
#1, Hide the phone number
sed -i "s|bind_user == 'True'|bind_user == 'XXXX'|" /www/server/panel/BTPanel/static/js/index.js
#2, Delete the forced binding phone js file
rm -f /www/server/panel/data/

Installing Nginx#


Note: When installing Nginx, select "Compile and Install" and add the custom module:

  • Module Name: nginx_rtmp_module
  • Description: nginx_rtmp_module
  • Parameters: --add-module=/www/server/nginx/src/nginx-rtmp-module
  • Pre-script: git clone

Installing ffmpeg#

apt-get -y install ffmpeg

Modifying Nginx Configuration#


Go to Software Store - Nginx 1.22.1 - Settings - Configuration Modification, and add the following content before the http field (remember to delete the # and the following content):

rtmp  {
    server  {
        listen 1935;                             ##This is the default port for RTMP protocol
        chunk_size 4096;                         ##Data chunk size
        application live {                       ##Project named "live"
            live on;                             ##This is a live project
            hls on;                              ##Enable HLS recording
            wait_key on;                         ##Start the video stream from a keyframe
            hls_path /www/wwwroot/;  ##Directory to save HLS recording files, modify /www/wwwroot/ to your website directory
            hls_fragment 5s;                     ##Duration of each ts file generated by HLS
            hls_playlist_length 30s;             ##Retention time for each ts file
            hls_continuous on;                   ##Start HLS numbering from the end of the previous one
            hls_cleanup on;                      ##Automatically clean up outdated ts files
            hls_nested on;                       ##Create a new subdirectory for each HLS streaming project

Then press ctrl+s to save, and click Reload Configuration in Software Store - Nginx 1.22.1 - Settings - Service.

Creating a Website and Modifying Relevant Settings#

Creating a Webpage#


Fill in the domain name and other relevant settings, and choose whether to enable SSL (it is recommended to enable SSL and turn on the Cloudflare cloud icon for overseas servers).

Modifying the Configuration#

Add the following content before the access_log field:

location /live {
  types {
    application/ m3u8;
    video/mp2t ts;
  alias /www/wwwroot/; # Same as the hls directory set earlier
  add_header Cache-Control no-cache;

Setting up the Dplayer Player#

Modify the default index.html with the following content:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Your Live Room Name</title>
    <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">
    <link class="dplayer-css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="dplayer" class="dplayer dplayer-no-danmaku dplayer-live dplayer-playing dplayer-loading"></div>
        const dp = new DPlayer({
            container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
            live: true,
            danmaku: false,
            autoplay: true,
            video: {
                url: 'hls/streaming_code/index.m3u8',
                type: 'hls'

Using OBS or Other Software to Start the Live Stream#

Set as follows:

  • Server: rtmp://your_server_address:1935/live/
  • Stream Key: Set as desired, but it should match the streaming code in the HTML code

Using ffmpeg to Pull and Push Streams#

The general command is as follows:

ffmpeg -i streaming_address -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192k -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://

If you need to run it in the background:

nohup ffmpeg -i streaming_address -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192k -strict -2 -f flv rtmp:// &
apt-get install python3-pip screen
pip3 install streamlink

Pushing Media Streams (Using YouTube Live as an Example)#

echo "Please input the YouTube url:"
read URL
streamlink $URL best -O | ffmpeg -re -i pipe:0 -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/youtube

Pushing YouTube Unlisted Live Streams#

This thing really killed me. It seems that pushing public live streams is really simple, but Streamlink cannot push unlisted live streams due to protection. Therefore, a workaround is used.

The premise for this push is that you need to know the streaming address, such as

Installing Screen#

apt -y install screen

I only know how to use screen for running in the background... I'm a noob...

Downloading and Deploying yt-dlp#

wget -O /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp

Running in the Background Using Screen#

screen -S youtube

Pushing YouTube Unlisted Live Streams#

This thing really killed me...

echo "Please input the YouTube url:"
read URL
ffmpeg -re -i $(yt-dlp -f best -g $URL) -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -f flv -buffer_size 256M rtmp://localhost/live/youtube

Here, yt-dlp is used to parse the YouTube live stream link into an m3u8 link and pass it to ffmpeg for reading. Setting buffer_size to a smaller value seems to cause errors (I don't know why, but increasing it works).


Thanks to the authors of yt-dlp, Streamlink, and ffmpeg. Without them, this tutorial would not exist.

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