Why write this article? Because when I was using Clash for Windows, I found that the rules of Telegram kept running to Match for matching. So, I went to check the GEOIP file to see why it forcibly called Country.mmdb. Suddenly, I remembered a senior brother in the group saying that YAML's alignment rules are very rubbish. Just one alignment error can cause the entire configuration to have problems. So, I went to look at the Mixin configuration.
The Mixin configuration is as follows:
This is part of the configuration that CFW pushes to the core
This is the content in my Mixin
As you can see, the content in Mixin is aligned with mixin
, so the priority is the same as it, not its sub-items. So, I moved the Mixin YAML content back by one TAB.
The adjusted Mixin configuration is as follows:
After adjusting, I restarted CFW and found that the rules matched.
Damn YAML, TOML is the god!